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Handmade in Italy
Nepente Collection
X Nepente A FICTIONAL MEDICINE FOR SORROW SINCERE | RADICAL | CONFIDENT | SURREAL & PROUDLY OFFBEAT BROUGHT TO YOU BY A VERY PERSONAL BURST OF IMAGINATION We present a family of furniture both familiar and unique, using uncommon traditions of craftsmanship in totally novel ways. By pushing at the phisical boundaries of natural materials, we will to expand rooted vocabularies of construction into a new visual language. Between the magical bond of body and soul a simple object becomes sculpture. Each piece here stimulates both a functionally physical and profoundly emotional connection with the whole of a person. CONCEIVED TO NEGLECT THE FLATERING TIME WE ARE LIVING IN Shaped by fostering tension between past and future, tradition and revolution, supervernacular and supernatural. With confidence in technique, irony in form and the sparking spirit of irreverence MATIAS SAGARIA Matias Sagaria è nato a Bolzano nel 1980, si é laureato in Architettura all’Universitá degli studi di Parma nel 2007. Dal 2008 vive a NYC, dove ha a lungo lavorato a progetti internazionali di Interior design ed Architettura con Tonychi and Associates prima e Roman and Williams poi. Ha aperto il suo studio (SAGARÍA) con sedi a NYC e Milano nel 2016,…
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